Who needs the supervised visitation?
- Children denied access to one of their parents.
- Parents denied access to their children.
- Parents who fear for the safety of their children in the presence of the other parent.
- Attorneys seeking a mediated, safe method of visitation for clients.
- The Court which needs to enforce statutes mandating children's continued relationship with both parents, while ensuring safety and well-being of the children.
How does supervised visitation work?
- Referrals are to be direct order of the court only.
- Parties should inform the Children's Justice Center immediately upon receipt of the court order.
- Children's Justice Center staff will coordinate schedule of visitation with parties, as well as availability of CJC schedule.
- The visiting party arrives 15 minutes prior to the scheduled visit.
- The custodial party or designee arrives with the child promptly at the scheduled time.
- The child is escorted in the visitation room by a staff member.
- A staff member monitors the visit via closed circuit television; in addition, the visitation is saved to a dedicated CJC server.
- A staff member escorts the child to the custodial parent at the end of the visit.
- The visiting party remains 15 minutes and is escorted out of the room.
- A staff member will be available to present observations of the visitation and cooperation of the parties to the court.
What is my responsibility as custodian of my child?
- Contact the Children's Justice Center for instructions regarding orientation and parking arrangements.
- Review the CJC Participant Agreement.
- Arrive promptly at the Children’s Justice Center for the scheduled visit and remain on site for the entire visit in designated waiting room.
What is my responsibility as the parent who visits?
- Contact the Children's Justice Center for instructions regarding orientation and parking arrangements.
- Review the CJC Participant Agreement.
- Arrive at the Children’s Justice Center fifteen (15) minutes prior to the scheduled visit and remain in visitation room for fifteen (15) minutes after the visit ends.
How long does supervised visitation last?
Based on child development principles, the length of each visit is one hour. To accommodate as many families as possible, no more than two visits are scheduled each week.
The court may specify a future court date to determine if supervised visits should continue. At any time, one of the parties may motion the court to reconsider supervised visitation.