Where can I find a current listing of jobs available in the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit?
Any current job listing will be posted on the court website, whether funded by the State of Florida, Hillsborough County or a grant.
What kind of benefits can I expect should I gain employment?
Regardless of the funding source, employment with the AOC will provide you with the opportunity to participate in health insurance for yourself and dependents, group term life insurance, dental insurance, paid holidays and membership in the Florida Retirement System. Supplemental benefits include vision care plans, supplemental accident & hospitalization plans, cancer, disability income and a 457K deferred compensation program for public sector employers.
Do I have to submit an application?
You may submit a resume in lieu of an application, although an application is preferred, as it will be required for personnel records, if hired.
What is the closing date for the position once advertised?
The general policy is to recruit until the position is filled; exceptions would be indicated on the individual Job Opportunity Bulletin by a deadline or closing date.
Who conducts the interviews?
It is customary for the program manager or department director to conduct initial screening interviews. Successful candidates are then selected for a final interview with the Court Administrator.
What is the process for becoming an intern with the court?
Undergraduate/graduate students:
Contact: Tonya S Muhammad
Personnel Management Analyst
800 E. Twiggs Street
Tampa, FL 33602
Tel: 813-272-6330
Fax: 813-276-2285
Law Students
Robert Koehler
800 East Twiggs Street, Suite 610G
Tampa, Florida 33602
Telephone: (813) 272-6843
What other job opportunities may exist outside the courts?
You may be interested in pursuing opportunities through the Hillsborough County Civil Service Office or Office of State Court Administrator