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What type of long-range projects affect the circuit?

Business processes occur at every level of the court and require work flows to avoid overlapping and redundancies; this may involve increasing efficiencies in a division of court or working in a court program.  Long-range projects, such as the Criminal Courthouse Feasibility Study, require a greater time investment.


Are there specific goals and objectives identified for court programs?

Yes, Strategic Planning Unit staff assists with Program Managers to formulating Performance Measures. In addition, the results are monitored and communicated to targeted audiences after data and determining the best mechanism to convey information.


Where can I find trial court statistics?


What is involved in content development for multimedia?

Strategic Planning Unit staff and contractors serve as Information Architects, organizing content patterns inherent in data, making complex clear and incorporating a synthesis of function, flow and form. Multimedia services then range from website, Intranet, print, and video based on the needs of the targeted audience.


What is involved in resource development?

Part of being good stewards of public funds is to identify resource development opportunities, such as grant applications. Based on needs assessments, concept papers, etc., establishing new program and/or court resources requires coordinating with Budget and Programs regarding organizational overview and financial structure, developing job descriptions, and can also entail implementation of the project.


How do you identify trends in areas related to courts?

Strategic Planning Unit staff serves as an Administrative Policy Preparation and Central Repository for documents and review trends in areas, such as, court filings, revenue collection, performance measures, clearance rates.  In addition, applied research skills are used to identify and summarize research, such as criminal justice and social services related areas.