You are here: Court Programs > Mediation & Diversion Services > Small Claims, Circuit Civil and County Civil > FAQs


Where can I find a mediator for my case?

In small claims cases, a mediator/mediation intake person is available in court at the pre-trial hearing.

In County Civil and circuit civil cases, a court order directs the client to contact Mediation and Diversion Services; you can reach staff there at 813.272.5642.

How much does mediation cost? 

  • Small claim cases (actions under $8,000) – no fee
  • County Civil cases (actions $8,000 - $50,000) - $60/party
  • Circuit Civil cases (actions greater than $50,000) – parties pay the mediator on an hourly basis per party. 

Where can I find a list of Court Appointed Arbitrators for Circuit and County Civil Diversion?

Click here for a current listing.