All Department of Revenue IV-D Child Support Hearings held before the Title IV-D Child Support Hearing Officers will be held remotely by Zoom Video Conference or by telephone.
All parties shall appear either by Zoom Video Conferencing or by telephone.
The Zoom Link and Meeting ID for Hearing Officer Sabrina Frey is:
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 821 3565 2986
If you would like to submit any documents for the court to consider at your hearing, you must file the documents with the Hillsborough County Clerk of Court at least 3 days prior to your hearing. Please visit or or call (813) 276-8100 for additional information.
All parties who appear by telephone must be in the presence of a notary public or other person authorized to administer oaths in the witness’s jurisdiction at the beginning of the hearing to administer the oath consistent with laws of that jurisdiction for testimony to be taken telephonically.
If using ZOOM Video Conferencing, a notary public is not necessary.
Parties may contact Hearing Officer Frey's assistant at (813) 272-0241 prior to the hearing to receive further instructions, if needed.
The Zoom App is available for free for IOS and Android devices, and it may also be accessed via desktop or laptop computer or tablet. The Zoom Help Center is at Additional information and videoconferencing tips are available at the Court’s website
FAILURE TO APPEAR: Failure of either the Petitioner or Respondent to appear telephonically or by Zoom video conference may result in entry of an order against the absent party without further hearing or entry of other appropriate orders on the pleading(s).
You are advised that in the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, an electronic recording is provided by the Court. A party may provide a court reporter at his or her own expense.
NOTICE: Pursuant to Rule 12.407, Fla.Fam.L.R.P., no minor children shall attend the hearing without prior order of the court.