Dissolution of Marriage with Dependent or Minor Children By Agreement (Packet #15)
Both parties agree on all issues and will complete all necessary forms and requirements.
Dissolution of Marriage with Dependent or Minor Children Personal Service (Packet #16)
The other spouse will be served with the case.
Dissolution of Marriage with Dependent or Minor Children Publication (Packet #17)
You cannot locate your spouse or your spouse has never lived in Florida.
Answer to Petition for Dissolution of Marriage with Dependent or Minor Children (Packet #18)
You have been served with a dissolution of marriage case and want to file and answer.
Dissolution of Marriage No Children but with Property, Debts or Alimony by Agreement (Packet #19)
Both parties agree on all issues and will complete all necessary forms and requirements.
Dissolution of Marriage No Children, but with Property, Debts or Alimony Personal Service (Packet #20)
You cannot locate your spouse or your spouse has never lived in Florida.
Dissolution of Marriage No Children but with Property or Debts or Alimony Publication (Packet #21)
You cannot locate your spouse or your spouse has never lived in Florida.
Answer to Petition for Dissolution of Marriage with Property but No Minor Children (Packet #22)
You have been served with a dissolution of marriage case & want to file an answer.
Dissolution of Marriage-Simplified (Packet #27)
There are no children, both parties will sign the petition AND both parties MUST be present at the hearing.
Miscellaneous Motion (Packet #28)
You want to file a Motion for one of the following: set aside dismissal and re-open case, or for rehearing to vacate, or to compel compliance with mandatory disclosure.
Injunction to Prevent the Removal of Minor Children (Packet #29)
You want the court to enter an order that your minor child(ren) is/are not to be removed from the State of Florida while a case involving the child(ren)'s time-sharing is pending. You want the court to enter an order that your minor child(ren) is/are not to be removed from the State of Florida while a case involving the child(ren)'s time-sharing is pending.
Motion for Temporary Relief (Packet #38)
You have a pending/open Dissolution of Marriage (divorce) case or a pending/open paternity case & you want to ask the court to enter a temporary order.
Motion/Order to Appear Telephonically (Please contact Clerk's Office to Obtain)
You want to ask the court to allow you to appear at a hearing by telephone.