Welcome to Administrative Office of the Court’s Emergency Management Web Page. This site has been provided in an effort to provide our judges, employees and contractors with information pertinent to community emergency preparedness. It is our goal to provide you with information that can help you prepare for any type of emergency situation. If you have further questions please feel free to call Kirby Jungers, Director of Court Facilities, at 813.276.8188 or email him at jungerskm@fljud13.org.
In the event of an emergency, information will be updated on this site regarding the status of activation of the Hurricane Plan, the Continuity of Operations Plan or the Court Operations during a Pandemic Influenza State of Emergency Plan, as any one of these affects the potential temporary closure of the courthouse facilities and outlines essential court operations that must continue to be provided.
It is imperative for all judges, AOC employees and contractors to keep their contact information up to date. Any change in telephone, personal e-mail or home address should be updated using the Emergency Contact Form. The AOC will utilize this contact information for phone or text during emergencies.
Remember, we hope for the best but plan for the worse. To view our Emergency Preparedness Flyer Click Here.