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Dependency FAQ's

dependency court

Below are some common questions about Dependency Court Cases

1. I haven’t seen my kids since they were taken. When can I see them?
2. When will I get my kids back?
3. What happens if I can’t get in touch with my case worker?
4. How do I balance coming to court, working on my case plan and going to work?
5. Who makes the decisions in my case?
6. I’ll do whatever it takes to get my kids back; so, how can I get started?
7. Do I have a say in where my kids live right now?
8. All of these are just allegations. Can they really take my kids just because of allegations?
9. How long does a case like this last?
10. Who decides what is on my case plan?
11. Who pays for the things on my case plan?
12. Do I have a say in who supervises my visits?
13. Who do I need to communicate with in my case?
14. Do I get to talk to the judge?
15. What will happen in court today at the shelter hearing?
16. What will happen in court today at the Preliminary Case Management Conference?
17. What will happen in court today at the arraignment?
18. What will happen in court today at the trial/adjudication?
19. What will happen in court today at the judicial review?
20. What will happen today at the disposition hearing?